We hope to see you at the next festival on Saturday, April 5th, 2025.

Mall Vendor Application
(With Food)

Elmira Maple Syrup Festival

Booth Sizes & Fees

The festival has a flat booth fee for all food vendors. Each space is 10ft x 10ft. As the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival is an organized fundraising event, donations will be accepted at the Vendor’s Lounge on the festival day.

  • 1 space = $134 (plus HST)
  • 2 spaces = $253 (plus HST)
  • 3 spaces = $366 (plus HST)
  • 4 spaces = $463 (plus HST)
  • 5 spaces = $576 (plus HST)
  • 6 spaces = $679 (plus HST)
  • 7 spaces = $796 (plus HST)
  • 8 spaces = $909 (plus HST)

10% of Sales (Additional Fee)

The festival is organized as a fundraiser for local charities. 10% of sales will be collected in addition to booth fees. You can either pay on festival day or pay by cheque within two weeks after the festival. Please indicate your preference in the application.


Applications with payment to reserve your booth(s) must be received before January 31, 2025. Cheques may be postdated January 31, 2025. Returning vendors in good standing may be accepted before the due date.

Please note new vendors are required to submit their 10% of Sales on the day of the festival.

Power Supply (Electricity)

Any vendor requiring access to an electrical outlet (110v) will pay an additional $30.00 + HST to cover our electrical maintenance costs. Vendors must limit their usage to 15 amps. We will be checking this on festival day. Vendors using more electricity than approved and causing power interruptions will be shut down immediately. All electrical cords must be strung overhead from the light post to their booth or laid on the ground. Ground installations must be covered with carpets or mats to avoid tripping, with no exceptions. Generators on the Mall are limited to a few pre-approved vendors where electrical outlets are unavailable. Freezers and refrigerators are not permitted due to power consumption.

Vehicles Inside Booth

If a vehicle is used as part of booth set up, there is a minimum of two spaces required for each vehicle. Additional fee for each vehicle: $50.00 + HST.


Space only is provided. There is no available water supply. The vendor must supply all setup equipment and shelter if applicable.

Selection Process

Applications are assessed annually. Some preference may be given to previous vendors in good standing. Your items should reflect the Maple Syrup Festival and/or be unique to highlight your skills/abilities. The Outdoor Mall is not intended for corporate marketing.


Vendors using trailers in their booth must be positioned on the Mall between 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m. on festival day. After this time, we cannot guarantee that you will get your trailer into your designated spot, as other vendors will be setting up. All vehicles not used for booth set up must be off the mall before 7:00 a.m.

Food Safety

Vendors must comply with the regulations established by the Waterloo Regional Health Department, the Elmira Fire Department, and the TSSA. These regulations will be sent to you upon acceptance of the application. Please note that vendors using heating equipment for food using a fuel source will be required to produce a TSSA Annual Inspection Form to the inspector at the festival (completed and signed by a TSSA-registered contractor with a licensed gas fitter). Those not providing the current TSSA Annual Inspection Form will not be able to use their equipment and may not be able to participate on the day of the festival. A Fire Safety Plan is required by all vendors preparing food on-site the day of the festival. A sample Fire Safety Plan will be provided to accepted vendors.

Please visit our website for more information regarding the requirements under the Vendor page.

Clean Up

Garbage left by vendors has increasingly become a problem for us. The vendors are responsible for removing their garbage and leaving their booth space clean. This will be monitored on festival day. Garbage bins are located throughout the mall, but we encourage vendors to take their packaging home with them. Without question, no liquids are to be left on the street or discarded into street drains.

Vendor’s Permits

All vendors are responsible for obtaining an Ontario Sales Tax Permit if required. Hawkers and Peddlers Permits from the Township are arranged by the festival committee for the day of the festival.


Liability insurance is the vendor’s responsibility.

Mall Layout

The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival mall committee will decide on your booth location. Booth spaces are located on the main street in Elmira (Arthur Street) and are east and west of the road centre line. If applying for multiple booths, please mark the boxes on the application indicating if you want “side by side” (spaces beside each other either on the West or the East side) or “back to back” (spaces behind each other on the West and East sides, which allow selling products from both sides of the street). Please see the example below.


The red boxes show booths that are “back-to-back”.
The blue boxes show booths that are “side-by-side”.

If requesting more than one booth, please mark the layout boxes on the application indicating how you would like your booths situated. We will try to accommodate your request but cannot guarantee it will be possible.


  • The Mall Committee controls the acceptance or rejection of applications, and all decisions are final.
  • Vendors will be informed of decisions by March 1, 2025.  Fees will not be reimbursed within 30 days of the festival date.
  • The applicant agrees to abide by the terms and conditions in the Mall Vendor Information section.
  • If an applicant breaches any of the terms and conditions, they acknowledge that they will be subject to immediate removal from the Mall at the discretion of the Maple Syrup Festival Committee.
  • The applicant agrees to save harmless the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival Committee at all times from any claim of any nature or kind whatsoever in law, equity or otherwise arising out of or indirectly resulting from the construction, operation or maintenance of the applicant’s operation at the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival.
  • Inquiries: All other questions can be emailed to Vendors@ElmiraMapleSyrupFestival.com
  • You can also call 519-669-6000 or 1-877-969-0094 and ask for Karen Weber.
Mall Vendor Application (with Food)
Have you been a vendor on our mall before?
Do you require access to an electrical outlet? (15 amps max.)
($30.00 + HST for electrical connection will be charged.)
Please check the box that best describes your food items.
Booth Spaces Required
Enter the booth numbers as per the layout shown above to indicate your desired layout. For example, to get a back-to-back layout as is shown in red, enter the numbers 1 and 5 separated by a comma (1, 5).
($50.00 + HST per vehicle will be charged.)
Your 10% sales payment will be paid

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